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Some “Happy” for Your Monday (WATCH)

2 Jun

This is not my child, and I don’t know these people, but this is a MUST WATCH for your Monday.

Get ready for a heart explosion of cuteness:

Singing with Timeflies on Jimmy Kimmel Live! (Monsters)

22 May

I have about 4 posts started that I haven’t been able to get to over the last week, and this is one of the reasons why. 🙂

Sometimes, things happen out of the blue, and this was one of those moments. We had two days to learn songs, find clothes that fit and will also look good on TV, rehearse and perform “in front of” millions of people… and it was so much fun!


Rapper’s Delight by Jimmy Falon

20 Feb

It’s been a while since I’ve posted any videos (or anything at all, actually), but this video is causing a comeback, because Rapper’s Delight is amazing. And, I laughed a little too loudly at this one. Enjoy.

1:08 is classic.

“Domino” by BetaWolf (WATCH)

12 Oct

This summer, Beta Wolf went on the road with Daughtry. They spent about 5 weeks making music, friends and memories. While I was home struggling through our 1st trimester “woes” this is what my Grant was doing… and I couldn’t be more proud of him!

Ballet, Like Life, is HARD!

18 Sep

This video is precious and reminds me that some of us just have to work a little harder than others and making sense of something that can seem so simple to someone else. It doesn’t mean that we’re stupid, or less than, or anything other than perfect in our own way, it just takes more practice and dedication to get those heels to touch.