Tag Archives: music video

“Domino” by BetaWolf (WATCH)

12 Oct

This summer, Beta Wolf went on the road with Daughtry. They spent about 5 weeks making music, friends and memories. While I was home struggling through our 1st trimester “woes” this is what my Grant was doing… and I couldn’t be more proud of him!

Living in Los Angeles(WATCH!)

14 Feb

Living In Los Angeles – Chapter One

Beta Wolf is from Los Angeles. We had an idea to sneak performances at some of our favorite spots around town, and share stories about what it feels like to live here. Here’s the first one; with the song we wrote for this city, on top of Rocko’s downtown Loft.

New Beta Wolf Video!

29 Sep

Since Grant’s band returned from Japan, it seems that things have been flying by. They’ve been reaching for the stars and finding them in the palm of their hands. Here’s a little peak at what Beta Wolf has been up to! This is their newest single, Believe in Love.