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Introducing: Nerium!

25 May

A while back, my friend Veronica approached me about this product she was working with called Nerium. She was seeing dramatic changes in people’s skin tone, texture and clarity and she wanted me to check it out too. I did and I loved it! A year later, she’s got me hooked.

As an addition to my makeup work, I’ve recently decided to start selling Nerium myself. It’s a natural, plant-based product, free of parabens, gluten and other allergens like soy, and it’s literally changing people’s lives. That may sound dramatic, but it’s really not. People look in the mirror and feel what they see. People with acne scars are being freed of their insecurities. People with crows feet have seen them disappear and feel “like their old selves again”. Women with sagging neck skin or cleavage skin are watching those lines disappear and are daring to wear tank tops or plunging necklines again. People with tired skin are looking brighter, more vibrant. It’s literally lifting people’s spirits by giving them a fresh new glow and a more youthful appearance.

Originally, the nerium oleander plant was being used in research for skin cancer. While it wasn’t healing the cancer, it WAS making people’s skin look healthier, so the testing was shifted from medical to cosmetic.

During clinical trials, most anti-aging skin creams have a lift in wrinkle depth of approximately 5%. NeriumAD, however results in 30-60% lift in wrinkle depth! The results were so “off the charts” for skin care products, that they actually redid the testing several times to make sure it wasn’t a fluke.

The best part of it, is that there’s a 30 day money back guarantee. If you decide to try it, all you have to do is purchase it, use it and if you don’t like it for any reason, send it back for a full refund.

For the last few weeks, I’ve been letting people use my bottles of product to try it out, so I could develop my own gallery of before & after pictures from faces I am used to looking at, and so that I can control the photos myself. I’ve done NOTHING to any of this photos. No enhancements, no photoshop, no anything!!! These are my friends pictures, taken on my iPhone.

Here are some of their real results.

My mom (!!!!!!):

My friend Meredith:

Meredith’s mom, Janey:

My sister-in-law, Hillary:

As you can see, this stuff is kicking booty and taking names. It’s amazing. If you have any questions or are interested in testing it out yourself, let me know.

If you want to purchase this product, click the button below.


Attention Makeup Artists and Lovers (WATCH)

26 Oct

Rick Genest (aka “Zombie Boy”) was brought in by L’Oreal to prove the value of their new product, Dermablend Pro.

Zombie Boy is most known for his full body tattoos, made public in Gaga’s “Born This Way” video. “The undead-obsessed model has covered the majority of his person with tattoos meticulously designed to make him look like a walking, decomposing corpse.”

If Dermablend Pro can work this well, I’ll be adding it to my makeup collection, sooner than later.

Go beyond the cover from Agence Tuxedo on Vimeo.

Go Beyond The Cover: Behind the Scenes from Agence Tuxedo on Vimeo.



Happy Friday!

13 May

Tonight is our big event for The CARE Initiative, at the Arvest Ballpark in Arkansas. After setting up in the rain all day, it feels nice to be home and warm – but I guess it’s time to go back into the rain and help the kiddos make some money. If you’re in NW Arkansas and you aren’t planning to be at the NWA Mini Grand Prix tomorrow and aren’t going to the Prix Party tonight (complete with silent and live auctions and raffle prizes), you’re not only missing out, you’re a bad person. Just kidding. But seriously, do it for the kids! Tomorrow is free for the family, and the Prix Party tonight is only $25/person (includes dinner!). I’ll be painting faces (check the link… it’s funny) all day tomorrow, so let’s hope it doesn’t rain any more.

Here’s a really funny video to start your weekend. This cracks me up.

A Little Self-Awareness Can’t Hurt

14 Apr

I’m having “one of those day” where I’m suddenly feeling slightly more aged than I did 10 years ago. Ok, that’s a lie. I’m feeling 300 years more aged than I did 10 years ago. 🙂

The point of self-realization?

I don’t think I can wear thick black eye-liner anymore. Mine is on my face, but not staying on my eyes where it belongs and that’s makes me sad. I guess the way around it is heavy  black eye-shadow under the liner, but sometimes you just want a pretty, classic black upper-lid line and today, I’m not getting it. Additionally, my liner isn’t going on as smoothly as it used to.

Anyone have tips/tricks or should I just get used to it and accept my zebra-striped eyes?