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“Domino” by BetaWolf (WATCH)

12 Oct

This summer, Beta Wolf went on the road with Daughtry. They spent about 5 weeks making music, friends and memories. While I was home struggling through our 1st trimester “woes” this is what my Grant was doing… and I couldn’t be more proud of him!

Ballet, Like Life, is HARD!

18 Sep

This video is precious and reminds me that some of us just have to work a little harder than others and making sense of something that can seem so simple to someone else. It doesn’t mean that we’re stupid, or less than, or anything other than perfect in our own way, it just takes more practice and dedication to get those heels to touch.

2012 Is Keeping Me On My Toes

12 Jun

When I first started the interview process to get back to California from Arkansas, I met with a lot of different companies. 10, actually. Of them, I was offered 2 jobs; 1 in Austin, TX and 1 in Hollywood, CA. I took the job in Hollywood and came back home after 17 months of being away from my husband, family, and friends.

Just about 2 months into my new relationship with the new job, I started to see a few things in the company that concerned me. About a week later, one of the companies I liked best, called me with a new opportunity. Now, I’ve never been the kind to “jump ship” prematurely, or at all, but this time around, I did.

For some reason, one I couldn’t really explain, it just made sense.

The day after I put my notice in, the SVP of our department was let go, and within the next few days, several more were laid off as well for financial reasons. My job was safe, but regardless, it gave me confidence to know that I had made the right decision to pursue the other opportunity. Grant and I went with our gut, and it turns out that our gut was right.

As hard as it was to leave the friends that I made at Cimarron (and quite possibly the best boss I’ve ever had), I had to make a decision for the long term and I’m now working for Dailey on the Honda Powersports account, as a Digital Producer… per usual.

It just goes to show you that you may never know how or why things happen, but you should always be open to letting life give you little gifts here and there. I came home for one thing, but was handed another, and so the story goes…

Leave Work at 5:30? (WATCH!)

11 Apr

I just happened upon this, while on Mashable. It’s pretty impressive that this woman is willing to stand publicly and say she’s leaving work, but then again, when did things get so competitive and so relentless that leaving work at the close of business was something we had to fight for or be ashamed of, anyway?

Work/life balance is an important part of being a professional. It’s an important part of being human. With the demands on people to impress, over-achieve and over-index on the success-o-meter, having a family (or even a life) outside of work, get more and more complicated.

Balance is healthy. Being able to achieve greatness professionally, while maintaining a successful personal life (especially when children are involved) may be hard to do, but in my opinion, it should never be looked down on.

That said, this is a pretty cool video from Facebook’s COO… too bad the embed code’s not functioning correctly… maybe someone left work on time to be with their kids though, so click the link and don’t be lazy.

Living in Los Angeles(WATCH!)

14 Feb

Living In Los Angeles – Chapter One

Beta Wolf is from Los Angeles. We had an idea to sneak performances at some of our favorite spots around town, and share stories about what it feels like to live here. Here’s the first one; with the song we wrote for this city, on top of Rocko’s downtown Loft.